Here is a list of what will migrate, using the different protocols and migration types. Just because an item type is not listed here does not necessarily mean we don’t migrate it. Read our article on what we don’t migrate to find out for sure: What items are not migrated?

Refer to the What systems do you currently support? article for more information about the services that can be used as Sources and Destinations

Mailbox Migrations:

Note: Pre-Stage Migrations only migrate folder structure and email. For more information about this, review How do I configure a Pre-Stage Migration?

  • Microsoft Office 365: Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes, Server-Side Rules, Folder Permissions, IPM.Post (when the destination is Exchange or Office 365).
  • Exchange Server 2003 (Source Only): Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes, IPM.Post (when the destination is Exchange or Office 365).
  • Exchange Server 2007+: Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes, BCC Recipients, IPM.Post (when the destination is Exchange or Office 365).
  • Exchange Server 2010 SP1+: Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes, Server-Side Rules, Folder Permissions, IPM.Post (when the destination is Exchange or Office 365).
  • G Suite: Inbox, Folders/Labels, Email, Muted Email (as regular email), Contacts, Calendars (including links for Google Hangouts within calendar meetings).
    Note: Links for Google Hangouts are a new default feature added to Google Meeting. Microsoft Office 365 doesn’t have the corresponding property to map. Therefore, when migrating to Office 365, the links for Google Hangouts are added to the beginning of the meeting description body text on Office 365.
  • GroupWise 7+ (Source Only):
    • Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks – if the Destination is Exchange, or Office 365
    • Inbox, Folders, Email – if the Destination is not Exchange or Office 365.
  • Lotus Notes 6.5+ (Source Only): Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks
  • Zimbra 6+ (Source Only): Inbox, Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks
  • IMAP: Inbox, Folders, Email
  • POP (Source Only): Inbox, Email
  • Open Xchange: Email, Contacts, Calendars

Email properties that are migrated:

  • Date/Time, Subject, Body, Importance, Sensitivity, Size, Item Class, Follow Up flags.
  • Color categories for calendars. The default colors will be maintained during migration. However, if additional color categories have been defined at the Source, other than those supported at the Destination, then these will not be migrated. Instead, they will be converted to the default calendar color at the Destination. For example, Google supports more calendar colors than Office 365. Any calendar colors on Google that are not any of the six (6) default colors on Office 365 (blue, orange, green, purple, red, yellow) will be converted to the default color on Office 365 (light red).

Public Folder Migrations:

Note: Public Folders can only be migrated to other public folders or shared mailboxes. We do not migrate Public Folders to individual user mailboxes or vice versa.

  • Exchange 2003: [Public Folder migrations not supported]
  • Exchange 2007: Public Folders, Subfolders
  • Exchange 2010 SP1+: Public Folders, Subfolders, User Permissions
  • Office 365: Public Folders, Subfolders, User Permissions

Document Migrations:

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. It includes only the typical Destinations. The complete list of supported Destinations can be seen under Destination settings when creating the project.

  • Box: Folders, Shared Folders in your Box, Code Files (Xml, cs, cpp, h, etc.), Documents (docx, doc, odt, csv, pdf, etc.), Images (png, jpg, etc.), Forms, Executables (exe), Videos (avi, mp4, etc.), Audio Files (mp3, wav, etc.). Typical Destinations: OneDrive, SharePoint Online.
    Note: Permissions are migrated from the Source Box environment.
  • Dropbox: Folders, Shared Folders, Code Files (Xml, cs, cpp, h, etc.), Documents (docx, doc, odt, csv, pdf, etc.), Images (png, jpg, etc.), Forms, Executables (exe), Videos (avi, mp4, etc.), Audio Files (mp3, wav, etc.). Typical Destinations: OneDrive for Business.
    • When Dropbox is configured as the Source, shared folders and items are migrated to the Destination but their shared permissions are not. Likewise, when Dropbox is configured as the Destination, shared folders and items are migrated from the Source but their shared permissions are not.
  • File server (Source only): Folder structure, files, and permissions. Typical Destinations: OneDrive for Business (typically for home directories) and SharePoint Online (for remainder, e.g., all shared documents).
  • Google Drive: Folders, Shared Folders in your Drive, permissions, G Suite native files except Google Forms, Code Files (Xml, cs, cpp, h, etc.), Documents (docx, doc, odt, csv, pdf, etc.), Images (png, jpg, etc.), Executables (exe), Videos (avi, mp4, etc.), Audio Files (mp3, wave, etc.). Typical Destinations: OneDrive for Business, Google Drive.
  • OneDrive for Business: Folders, Shared Folders, permissions, Code Files (Xml, cs, cpp, h, etc.), Documents (docx, doc, odt, cs, pdf, etc.), Images (png, jpg, etc.), Forms, Executables (exe), Videos (avi, mp4, etc.), Audio Files (mp3, wav, etc.), original Metadata and BitTitan migration metadata(author, editor, createdtime, modifiedtime, name, filesize, type, MigrationWizId, MigrationWizPermissionId). Typical destinations: OneDrive for Business, Google Drive.
  • SharePoint Online: Document libraries and permissions. Typical Destination: SharePoint Online.

Archive Migrations:

  • Exchange Server 2003+ (Source Only): [Exchange Server 2003 archives not supported]
  • Exchange Server 2007+: [Exchange Server 2007 archives not supported]
  • Exchange Server 2010 SP1+: Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes, Server-Side Rules, Folder Permissions, BCC Recipients
  • Office 365: Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes, Server-Side Rules, Folder Permissions, BCC Recipients
  • Google Vault (Source Only): Folders, Email
  • G Suite (Destination Only): Folders, Email
  • IMAP (Destination Only): Folders, Email
  • PST (Source Only): PST Files from your own Azure storage – Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes
  • PST BitTitan Storage (Source Only): PST Files uploaded to BitTitan Storage using the Uploaderwiz – Folders, Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Notes

Collaboration Migrations: 

  • All Team types – Public, Private, and Organization-wide
  • Channels
  • Conversations – Structure, format, root messages, replies, fonts, bullets, lists, colors, quotes, emojis, inline images and stickers, code snippets, hyperlinks, GIFs, deleted message notifications, mentions (as plain text to prevent duplicate notification after migration), timestamps (in UTC)
  • Files (except files in private chats)
  • Memberships